Track Previews


Brandon here.

This backing track pack is still under construction.

Date expected to completion ~ August 1/2023

At the time of writing this, there are at least 3 tracks available to download and jam with.

Since you bought during the pre-sale, you've received a discount. The reason for that discount is because the track pack is not yet complete.

Please pay attention to the "Click Here to Download The Tracks" section. The remaining tracks will be uploaded there as they are completed. Bookmark it.

If there is not enough interest in this track pack and I do not get enough buys, I will refund you your money.

If I sell enough copies and hit my goal, I will continue construction and finish this track pack by August 1/2023 and let you know via email. Sometimes emails go to spam or are left unopened, so if you never see an email from me, please just return to the "click here to download tracks" page. (On the left side of the screen)

IF YOU HAVEN'T BOUGHT BUT ARE THINKING ABOUT IT... Check out the 3 track samples above. These are the finished tracks that are currently available.

You can get the full tracks here

If you have questions/concerns, reach out to me [email protected]



Complete and Continue